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A-Z Loan Glossary

A4 Amount
B4 Bank
C4 Cost
D4 Debt
E4 Equity
F4 Finance
G4 Grant
H4 Home
I4 Insurance
J4 Joint
K4 Key
L4 Loan
M4 Mortgage
N4 Net
O4 Overdraft
P4 Premium
Q4 Quote
R4 Rate
S4 Secured
T4 Tenant
U4 Unsecured
V4 Variable
W4 Waiver
Y4 Yield
Z4 Zero

A-Z   of the Loan Industry's Jargon when Targeting Consumers for Loans
Consumer Loan Packages


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Joint: united or combined, for which two people are equally responsible for paying the balance who share equally in the rights and liabilities.

Expanded List of Definitions "J"

· Joint Funding · Joint Life Annuity ·